How My Journey Began…


For as long as I can remember… I’ve always had a BIG mission & purpose being here on Earth. I was the kid claiming I would
“change the world someday.”

Growing up in less than ideal circumstances… I knew that my journey was setting me up to pave my own way, & that someday my story was going to inspire someone else. I knew that what I was experiencing was temporary, & also that it was gifting me with an opportunity to share my story. I KNEW that somehow my story would one day be someone else’s lighthouse.

THIS is why I am so passionate about working with people & sharing honestly & vulnerably. I believe that every single human being on Earth has their own unique set of gifts & that we’re all truly just walking each other home. If we are able to make the most of our experiences & alchemize our hardships while allowing them to become our greatest teachers… then we are able to become the hero within our own story, allowing us to exponentially grow within our own journey.

This is why we are here.
To learn, to grow, & to expand our souls awareness and consciousness… so we may raise the consciousness of the collective on Earth as a WHOLE.

I truly do believe every single living thing on Earth has a PURPOSE.
What’s Yours?!?

Certifications & Qualifications

  • Certified Life Coach

    I have been certified as a life coach for the last 3 years, although I have always had a natural gift of working with people as an empath.

  • Yoga Teacher

    I certified through a 200-HR YTT program. I have been teaching privately & in a class setting consistently for the last year.

  • Holy Fire® Reiki

    Being previously self-taught, I decided to extend my knowledge & skillset by becoming certified as a level I&II Reiki Master.

  • Workshop Facilitator

    It’s become one of my greatest passions to facilitate workshops & to create a safe & sacred space for people to gather & grow.

What People Are Saying…


Amorita opened up so many beautiful things to enter into my life

— Rachel

Amorita provides loving guidance channeled from the Divine, and is gifted in helping others find the clarity, guidance, and love that is already within.

— Sara

I don’t think mere words can convey the incredible difference Amorita has made in my life.

— Toni

I am so grateful for Amorita’s incredibly wise and authentic energy that nurtures and allows the Soul to be seen, held, and above all LOVED.

— Valerie

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

Set An Intention To
Work With Me…

If you want to work with me… I’d love to know how I can best provide you with what you’re looking for currently within your own journey. I am a big fan of setting intentions… So I would LOVE to hear what your intentions are in working together.